Women & Horses Women & Horses (tm)  by Mary D. Midkiff

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1 - Finding Your Foundation (DRS1)
2 -
Robart Pinchless Snaffle

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The Women & Horses Newsletter - April 2006

The W&H Dynamic Rider System (DRS) Insert 1 "Finding Your Foundation" is available for you to get started toward better riding. I hope you will consider purchasing the whole DRS series as we produce them. They will be a lifelong reference guide for you and they are the only product out there designed specifically to aid the female rider.

I have been using these techniques with Maggie's guidance for over three years now and I'm continually impressed with how beneficial and empowering they are to me as an aging athletic rider and trainer. I am over 50 and my core stabilization is at its best which frees the rest of my body to connect with the horse and give clear aids.

Maggie Parker and I have been working on the progression of the subsequent inserts and have the following lined up for you. I anticipate Insert 2 to be ready in late May.

DRS Insert 2: Core Work I: What is Functional Core?

The following will be included in the insert:

  • Core Muscles Diagram
  • Abdominal Awareness and Exercises
  • Describe Pilates Curls versus Crunches
  • Demonstrate importance of stability of core while limbs move
  • Demonstrate importance of core in saddle
  • Rotational abdominal exercises

Watch for future inserts:

  • Insert 3 – Hips
  • Insert 4 – Core II: Spinal Movement and Upper Back
  • Insert 5 – Shoulder Girdle

Another Note: Robart Pinchless Snaffles
I have been using the Robart pinchless snaffle since April of last year and my horse just loves it. He had prior bit abuse and the pinchless bit has made all the difference in his trust and comfort levels. Now that we are in full training for the Spring I wrote and asked Dave Robart about an additional bit to help with his balance and support in more demanding work. He recommended the Robart Pinchless D-Ring Moon Snaffle. I bought it and have been using it for a week and my horse equally loves this bit and I am really enjoying the differences it is making in his fine tuning. He is no longer pulling in any way, any correction I need to make I make it once and he goes straight from then on, he respects my hand, stays light on the bit and all I have to do is give slightly through the elbow and he stretches more into it without diving, pulling or curling. I will use this bit alternately with the regular pinchless snaffle as I train him toward his first show.

I highly recommend these bits and Dave's recommendations for your horse. Go to www.pinchlessbits.com for more information.

Follow-up Note: After more research I have found a better website for these bits. There are only a few listed and described on the www.pinchlessbits.com website. Go to www.sstack.com, to English Tack, to bits then on pages 4-5 there is a good selection of English pinchless bits. The Moon Dee is the one I really like for my horse but after reading all the rule books and looking at the diagrams I don't think I can show in it. So I will be alternating between the Moon Dee and the pinchless snaffle and show in the snaffle.

I will be passing along good references for you as they come my way and I feel they are beneficial to you.

Sincerely, Mary

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female equestrian fitness training and riding tips

Mary Midkiff, 1119 Merrick Drive #362a, Lexington KY 40502
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