Women & Horses: Riding techniques for the female equestrain

United States Dressage Association 2001 Demographics

3% of USDF members are male
95% of USDF members are female

60% are between 31 to 50 years

89% attended college
64% graduated college
31% have a Masters, Ph.D., or professional degree

40% executive/professional/technical
13% equestrian

Average Household Income
17% earn less than $50,000
69% earn more than $50,000
50% earn more than $75,000

Horses Owned
97% own a horse

Demographic information was generated by USDF's September 2000, Member Survey. The survey
was conducted by the Bureau of Business Research, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Mary Midkiff, 1119 Merrick Drive #362a, Lexington KY 40502
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