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The Women & Horses Newsletter - April 2009

Peaceful Intention
by Mary D. Midkiff

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Equine Affaire in Columbus, Ohio, April 2-5 was a wonderful event. None of us knew how the down turn in the economy would affect the show, and to our pleasant surprise the show was as well attended as ever. I don't know how the vendors fared with sales but the people were there and enthusiastic.

Over the next few months, I would like to reiterate some of my talks, demonstrations and presentations from Equine Affaire, in hopes they will prove helpful as you gear up for the active horse season.

Let's start with you – the rider, handler, driver, stable keeper and groom. Do you possess animal magnetism?!! When you are with your horse you want him or her to be attracted to you like a special member of the herd. Signs that animal magnetism is missing are: distraction, anxiety, pulling on you, dragging behind, knocking you over, and circling around you.

What's missing is your "intention" for connection and partnership with your horse.

"Intensity" means exceptionally great concentration, power or force; the amount or degree or strength of electricity, light heat or sound per unit area. Intension is the state or quality of being intense or having intensity.

By being intense you are deeply and profoundly felt. I like to think of it as "Peaceful Intention" rather than intensity in competition. You meet and work with your horse with peaceful intention in your mind, body and soul; you are grounded and fully engaged with your horse. You are focused in the moment with your horse and always have him or her locked into you when you are around them. It is possible to multi-task around your horse but only if you always have this intentional way of being as the foundation of your emotional connections.

Over time, this becomes a really beautiful example of deep trust and confidence.

If you are having a conversation with a person, on the cell phone, managing something in your head, you are once removed from the horse's world. Horses know this too and in my opinion, don't appreciate it. When I am talking with someone while holding or sitting on my horse I always touch him and occasionally look at him and check in. As long as I acknowledge him he is okay with some "time out" away from my 100% partnership with him.

How do you develop being intentional around your horse? Well it begins in your life. Are you able to release, relax, let go and focus on any one thing in your day to day living? If not, this frantic, stressful existence will come across to your horse and he will not recognize your attempt at animal magnetism.

First, try using aromatherapy to get your mind to settle and focus on only one thing at a time. In this case it would be your horse. When you go to the pasture or barn or pull into the stable area begin some deep breathing exercises and rub a few drops of calming aromatherapy into and around your nostrils and on your pulse points. Lavender, basil, mandarin and lemongrass essences are analgesic and calming. This will begin the shift you need to meet your horse and step into his world.

Leave everything that's on your mind behind you and step into the world of warm breath, sweet hay, and soft fur. Pretend you are entering the world's greatest psychiatrist's office and it is required that you spend a few hours with nothing else on your mind but healing yourself and enjoying your horse.

When you are with him or her, acknowledge them, give them their own aromatherapy (The InBalance Horse Essential Oil Blend on my website) and allow the chemistry to work for you both.

Practice having "Peaceful Intention" in your life and your horse will see it pay off in his or her partnership with you.

I am thrilled we are in the Spring months where everything is blooming, especially the horse's coats. Make everyday special because you have a horse as a partner. It is a gift and a privilege to be with them.

Wisconsin Clinic August 15-16, 2009
Contact: Marti Coursin, New Glarus, Wisconsin
608-527-4371 or mcoursin@gmail.com

Mary D. Midkiff

New Phone Numbers: Office 502-552-1195

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