If you are interested in having Mary Midkiff come speak or provide a clinic in your area please contact her at marymidkiff@gmail.com or call 502-552-1195.
She will lecture and evaluate horses on their conformation, weaknesses, muscle contractions, imbalances, movment, injuries, inflammations and conditions.
She will provide a hands-on evaluation from head to tail making integral adjustments along the way. Each horse will demonstrate unique issues to be addressed at the time of evaluation. Each horse is different just like we are and has learned over time to handle stress, inflammation, protective and defensive patterns in various ways of compensation. Her work interacts with the brain and nervous system allowing the body to process and re-align/re-organize with new healthy patterns. Her laser, HERO PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field) therapy machine and accessories assist her in providing healthy cell modulation and healing.
The breed, type, age, size or use of the horse does not matter and all are welcome to learn and participate with their horses as Mary works with them.
A two day clinic seems to be the best time frame for the horses, owners and Midkiff to all work together in this deep and intensive therapy work to really make a difference and give the horse’s time to process.
The current cost is $125 per horse per day plus accommodations and travel expenses.